Happy New Year everyone! :) Hereby the first update of 2024. Mostly some (serious) bug fixes, but also the first novel deity which was not in the prequel: Yig, the Father of Serpents.
Release notes:
* Made the list of modifiers more clear with a better distinction which ones are active.
* Added Yig, the Father of Serpents, to the pantheon of deities.
* Trap color of Poison Darts was incorrectly set to orange instead of lime. Fixed.
* Inspecting an item on the ground now also lists the equipment slot required, if any.
* In rare cases inspecting an item would reveal the AI behavior and "give" buttons. Fixed.
* Health bars were not destroyed when exiting to the main menu causing a minor memory leak. Fixed.
* Creatures would sometimes be generated inside a wall, especially in non-square levels. Fixed.
* Made Jeffears' increased hidden room generation slightly stronger.